Thursday, April 8, 2010

Roller coaster ride

These next few months or even years will be filled with a lot of ups and downs. Let's take these past two days as examples. I've been very freaked out, with good reason I think, and that stress has caused me to break out in rashes and have panic attacks. I saw negative statistics and experiences and internalized them. Today, I'm doing much better! I haven't really cried and I'm generally more positive. I wonder if this is what it's like to be bipolar...

I did have some bad news from the dentist - I have to have a tiny cavity filled before it gets worse. I already hate the dentist, so on top of everything else, this irks me. But at least I've been through this procedure a dozen or more times.

Finally, I'm seriously considering anxiety medication. I worry about what the side effects may be and how I'll be on them. I've never taken this type of medication before. I think I'm going to give it a shot (unless the pills are big and then that's game over (and a future blog post)).

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