Sunday, April 25, 2010

My nausea seems to be gone, so that's good. I even just had a McDonald's cheeseburger, so you know I have to be feeling better. However, I'm having some discomfort in my chest, back neck area. I'm not sure if it's a side effect of the chemo, the shot, or something else. It's not pain, but it's like a tightness. It could be the cancer in those parts of my body shrinking.

Yesterday my neck hurt a bit where it's swollen up. Today it looks like the lump has gone down some! Guess the chemo is working. It's just really hard to know right now what's normal and what I should be concerned about. Is what i'm feeling because of the chemo, the shot, am I really sick, something else??

I've also noticed my mouth has become very sensitive. I need to make sure I stay on top of that. Mouth sores are very common and I don't want those, obviously. Time to start gargling with salt water and see if that helps, or else it may be Mary's Magic mouthwash time.

1 comment:

  1. Paul just got his first dose of the white cell booster shot on Friday because his white count was too low for chemo. He said it's kicking his ass. From my observation, it's worse than when he gets chemo ... bone pain, achiness, tired, etc. He's been feeling gradually better, but the shot is probably what's causing your discomfort at this point in the game.
