Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Meeting with doctor, part I

I met with my family doctor today for a follow up. She wanted to see how I was and I think just try to calm me down. She explained a little more about my diagnosis, but really couldn't answer any questions on what my actual treatment will be, side effects, etc. You'll have to wait until Meeting with doctor, part II next week for that. I have an appointment with a doctor at IU Med Center downtown Monday. Hopefully I like this doctor and facility or I'm looking for a new one. If these people are going to see me at my worst, I better be comfortable around them.

One semi-positive side effect of the cancer is it has curtailed my desire to shop. Ok, I'm lying a bit, but it really has made me realize that I need that money for other things. I'm actually going now to take some things back that still have tags on them. On the one hand, it makes me sad becuase my husband jokes I "bond" with my clothes and that's why I buy them. But, on the other hand, I can think of better uses for $40.

I've also learned that alcohol can aggravate my condition and make my lymphnodes painful. BOOURNS. Guess I won't be self medicating.

Anyone else have "One shining moment" stuck in their head? Really, all I have is that line running on repeat, along with Coldplay's "The Scientist", especially the line that says "Nobody said it was easy."


  1. But fountain Coke is permitted, I hope?

    Good luck. There are some great docs at IU Med.

  2. Thanks for sharing this way, Jenn. I hope writing will help you to express what you're feeling, and I think it will help your friends not ask the same questions a million times!

  3. You are strong for being so willing to share your personal story from this beginning point, Jenn. One thing I've found in blogging about my own health issues is it serves as an outlet and stress reliever, but also a way to connect with others who've gone through similar "adventures" at various times in life. Some have offered incredible support and have become good online-based friends, and it helps incredibly knowing there are others out there who know exactly what you're going through. In just doing some quick searches online tonight, I came across one that I thought I'd toss your way to browse as you care to. http://kimbennett.blogharbor.com/

    In our hearts and prayers, Jenn.
