Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Busy busy

I feel like I've barely had time to just sit and relax lately. I'v been running from appointment to appointment. I'm so tired and the chemo hasn't even started! I had an 8 am pulmonary breathing test at St. Francis South, and it went pretty smoothly. Unfortunately, I have a horrible gag reflex which makes it difficult when I have dental work, try to swallow pills, or put large objects in my mouth. (Hold the jokes :P) I couldn't use the original mouth piece because it made me gag, so luckily they could take it off and still do the test. I'm high maintenance. My nerves didn't help and I almost had a breakdown in the little booth because I'm over all this. Funny because my journey is just beginning. I have never been poked, prodded, and IV'd so much in my life. My poor veins. I look like a heroin addict.
This is why they want to put the port in, so it's easier to get drugs and blood. I've heard mixed reviews about ports - basically they suck in the beginning but then you get used to it.

I have a echo scheduled for this afternoon, then I have to dash up to the northside for a cavity filling. I'm not to have dental work while on chemo so I had to squeeze this in where I could. Tomorrow afternoon I have a PET scan, in which they inject sugars in my system for an hour and then I have another scan to see if the sugars and cancer like each other. As Dr. Shorty explained it, this test is to see if the cancer eats the sugar. This is one test to see if your cancer is gone. But sometimes the cancer doesn't eat the sugar, so it gives a negative reading. That's why I have to have one before I get treatment, so I know if the cancer wants the sugar or not. If I turn up negative now, I won't bother to have one after treatment because there's no point. So, that's another 2 hour process tomorrow. I still haven't heard about when my biopsy and port will happen.

I've plopped myself on my couch for the next hour or so to rest before my next appointment. I'm grateful I have so many friends and family around me sending me well wishes, gifts, and making themselves available if needed. I have a feeling once I get the chemo going, I'll need even more help!


  1. Enjoy the couch time. Your body needs the rest. Hopefully the magic TV gods provide some fun mental candy for you.

  2. One thought I had is this whole circumstance might be helpful in one way. Your nerves could be more at ease once this is all over...stuff might just seem easier in life when you put it all in perspective in realation to this current hurdle.

