Thursday, April 22, 2010


I made it through my first round of chemo. As my husband affectionately put it, I am 8 1/3 done with chemo if everything goes as scheduled. We got to the office and led back to a private treatment room. The nurse was very quick to get the port poked. Thanks to my numbing cream and a numbing spray, it didn't hurt too bad. I hope that's the case everytime.

Then I met with Dr. Shorty. GOOD NEWS! No cancer in my bone marrow!!!! And the PET scan was positive and showed the cancer only in the spots where they already saw it. Hooray!!! She answered some questions and then off we went.

Then the nice nurse Brandy (who I had earlier this week) administered all my drugs. They first tested my reaction to one of the chemo drugs and we waited an hour. All good, so the chemo really begun. One was red and administered by hand, another went in by hand, andthen two drips. a total of about 3 hours. The room was ok. nice comfy recliner but i definitely should have brought my neat new nap kit thanks to the Mannsmans! I would like to use my own blanket in the future. They have a little TV and vcr and basic cable. NO WE CHANNEL :( If you have comcast, what channel is that? I couldn't findit so that means no Golden Girls at 5.

Jonathan was there to keep me company.I played on my phone, read some of a magazine and tried to watch tv. the anti nausau drugs they gave me seem to be working.I alsotook a sublingual pill when I got home that I'm to take every 8 hours. I hope it works. i feel ok now and had a taco and bit of a sweet roll.

I am already feeling tired and have a headache. the headache could be due to lack of caffine, so ihad a few sips of a coke. the doctor and nurse think this will hit me worse in a few days. ugh. there's also a good chance my hair will start falling out mid may. byebye hair.

I'm sureI'm forgetting a lot of things, but I'm pretty tired right now. I have to have blood work every week and get a shot tomorrow from Dr.Shorty to helpmy white blood cells i think. I also have to take an antibiotic for 10 days.

Sorry if this is hard to read or has problems. i'm typing on a tiny keyboard and i'm too lazy to fix all the problems.

Thnks for all the prayers! They heped me get through it. only 11 more times to go!!!


  1. Woot! I'm glad you not only made it, but did well! (Also happy that you could eat so Jonathan doesn't get to hog all the food people bring. ;)) Rest up. :)

  2. Jenn: Really glad to hear it went OK (as well as can be, of course) and that there was some good news attached. We were thinking of you at the office today, and had you in our thoughts and prayers. Hope tonight is restful and tomorrow doesn't bring any post-effects. You're already on your way to conquiring it and leaving it in the dome.

  3. Josh 1:9: Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” (from my mom--she couldn't figure out how to post).

  4. We were thinking of you all day yesterday! Just keep knocking down those treatments and you'll be done before you know it. Cancer is going to be left DESTROYED by you now that you are in the Thunderdome.


  5. Hi Jenn,
    I read your postings and I want to tell you that you are one brave chick! Just know that you have been in my thoughts and prayers. Your positive attitude will help you beat this!!
    Christy Hartman

  6. You are awesome, chick! Stay strong!!
