Sunday, November 21, 2010

Quick update

Hello to anyone out there still checking this blog. Sorry for the long time between posts, but I simply forget to post right now. The hubby and I have been busy renovating the house, the holiday season is upon us, as is IU basketball, and now I've taken a seasonal job.

My hair is growing! My eyebrows look pretty funny but they are starting to come in well. The hair on my head is good too. I've actually gone out without a hat or wig a couple of times now. It's almost to the point where it looks like I just cut my hair REALLY short. I'm going to have to get back into a routine of shaving my legs...or maybe not. It's winter now, right? :P

Saw Dr. Proctor. Have a minor issue that hopefully some medicine will treat. I'll see her again next month and if the medicine didn't work, then I get to try something else.

Overall, I'm doing OK. I hope to continue to do so and then my PET scan comes back clean so Mort and I can part ways!