Monday, July 26, 2010

Take that, hospital!

I got very good news today. I had a voicemail from the helpful insurance rep, Theresa from Aetna, telling me that Clarian wrote off the CT scan charge! They wrote off the more than $1500 in charges for no authorization. Guess they realized they goofed. I'll be getting a new bill for about $100!! I can handle that.
Health care and insurance makes my head hurt. I know the whole system needs reformed, but not sure how. It's frankly a debate I don't want to get into now, but it makes me wonder how much they write off a year and if that's also a reason why costs are so high. Nearly $3,000 last month for my two blood draws. That's ridiculous, but is that expensive for a reason. Thank god for insurance. Seriously, if we didn't have it, I'd have sold a kidney, plasma (although could I do that with chemo in me...?) and anything else to try to cover how expensive this has been. We are very fortunate and blessed that Jthan's job has a)insurance and b) good insurance. My job's insurance is ok, but definitely would have cost us more.
Moral of the story: if hospital wants to fight me in the Thunderdome, I win. :P

Friday, July 23, 2010

it's 6 am and i can't sleep

so i blog. I've been up for an hour and can't sleep. popped another anti nausea pill. hoping i will get sleepy. For your reading pleasure, here are some random thoughts and happenings that I haven't yet shared.

- I find I get looked at funny more when I wear my wig than a hat. This could be one of three reasons: 1 I just look smoking hot in my wig (what I want to believe) 2 my wig looks so obviously like a wig that people are trying to figure out why i'm wearing a wig (most likely true) or 3 my wig has shifted and they are staring at my busted wig. (also a strong possibilty)
wigs aren't not always fun to wear. they are very hot. they are high maintenance compared to a hat. you put the hat on your head and you are done. The wig requires lining it up properly on your head. wigs shift. you don't know how many times i've gone to the bathroom at work (passing many people) only to discover my wig moved and i look like crazy wig lady. :P

Hey my stomach just growled, that doesn't happen much these first days after chemo. hmm...still don't want to eat though.

Mort is a coversation starter. I have purchased some tops that cover him up and my scar, but most of the time i don't care and will wear whatever i want. I wore a deep v tee shirt out when looking for trees with the hubby and the woman at the place asked me if i had cancer. She said she noticed my port. then we chatted about cancer, she had breast cancer which i deduced before she told me based on the breast cancer tee shirt she was wearing. Turns out she went to dr. shorty for treatment but now has a different oncologist. she didn't seem to happy with dr. shorty after her treatment but didn't go into it. she did bring up a point that i have heard before: docs often don't bring up all the stuff that may happen afterwards while you are being treated. they wait until you are done and then you are bombared with it. someone told me that people who get chemo have a higher chance of depression later. I guess chemo messess with your seratonin and such in the brain.

After this treatment, i go in for 8 and then i'll have a CT scan. then we'll see who's really winning in the thunderdome. (PS, as you know, i picked the thunderdome reference before Mel Gibson went off the deep end again, crazy mel.)

I'm going to try to go back to sleep again. wish me luck.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

health care runaround

I'm still fighting with the insurance company over my first CT scan - the one ordered the day after I found the lump in my neck. I went to the family doc who immediately sent me to Clarian West for an ultra sound. That ultra sound led to the doc at Clarian wanting to do a scan and biopsy. He said he had to call my family doc. Then I had the test.
I was under the impression that my family doc had to certify it...turns out Clarian may be the one that goofed. The lovely rep at Aetna was very helpful today and said she'd call Clarian and figure out what's going on. She said as Clarian was the one that ordered and performed the test, they should have pre certified it. I also don't remember signing something that said I'd pay for it, but I could have. That's key because the rep also said that if Clarian was the one that was supposed to pre certify then they shouldn't be billing me until it's worked out. I've received 3 bills with a stern warning they'll send me to collections. UGH. My account is on hold until until 8/2, but I have to call next week and tell Clarian what's going on. Hopefully Theresa from Atena has it solved by then.
On principle, I refuse to pay all of this bill (and that it's nearly $2,000) I DID NOT MESS UP - SOMEONE ELSE DID, yet i'm punished. Those stupid release forms should say "Make sure your stuff is pre certified by your insurer or else you may be billed for more than you expect." I was distraught, I don't remember what I signed. That's what I'll tell the judge. ;P

Today is 7 of 12. The count downward begins! woo. I hope to do as well as I did last time because I really didn't have too many problems this past round. Nausea sucked, but I get through it. Mind over matter. I just can't wait for this to be over!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

back pain blues

I preface this post with the fact I've been feeling really good this round. I definitely am close to putting back on all the weight i lost thanks to all these good days (and baking I am doing!).

But, my lower back has been hurting off and on lately. For example, i crouched down today at target to look at something on the lower shelf, so i was kind on my feet, but my butt was in the air and i was straight up, so my back was curved. hard to explain, but it's a standard crouching position. My back started to throb so badly. It's done that yesterday and today. It's in the same place i had been feeling pain, but not like this. it's bareable, but i'm going to bring it up again to my doc. she thought at first maybe i've strained muscles going to the bathroom. that could still be in but we'll see. ugh.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

No need to tell me how to raise money

I may be a bad walker, but I skipped out on the kick off for the Light the Night walk. I thought it would be more like a mixer, not a 2-hr power point presenation on how I can raise money. Our team is doing good job and I think most haven't even really tried very hard. I know we will kick butt without having to organize a bake sale or whatever. :)
Instead, mis amigas, the hubby, and I had dinner at the Rathskellar.

I have neglected to give a shout out to the two awesome gifts I recently received from my cousin. She sent me two stuffed fleet Enemen. They are awesome! Stuffed enima bottles with capes on like they are super heroes. I'll need to take pictures.

I've been having a really great week. Not too much pain, although I am incredibly out of shape. I carried a light box up two flights of steps at work and I was huffing and puffing. I definitely want to start working out again.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Monday Monday

Having a pretty good day! Hooray! Made it through a full day at work, met up with Kristin for a delicious dinner at Bob Evans and I'm not in any pain! Don't want to jinx myself because last time I had a good Monday and Tuesday then a few bad days in a row.

Wednesday is the kick off for Light the Night at the Rathskellar. Kate, the hubby and I are planning on going. If you'd like to join us walking or make a donation, you can do so at and search for redteam. :)

Also my friend Missy has organized a kickball game fundraiser for two great cancer organizations for children at Sahm Park in September. For 5$ you can play kickball on Sept. 18. AWESOME. :) has more info.

Friday, July 9, 2010


I realize my thunderdome references have been lacking lately. that could be because I picked an analogy for something I know little about. I know there's a thunderdome in the Mad Max movie, but only because of the title. I have more knowledge of thunderdomes based on the classic 1995 rap song "California love" by Dr. Dre and Tupac. Still may favorite rap song and yes, I still know most of the words...
but i'm pretty sure that contraption they were driving to was a thunderdome.

Are thunderdomes supposed to be futuristic? When are we going to have to start fightin one another in thunderdomes for supremecy? I'm thinking 2200 or maybe 2016.

Why going through chemo is like being pregant

Disclaimer. I've never been pregnant and make the following comparisons based on stories moms have told me and books, tv, and movies.

1. Nauseau- Pregnant ladies' nausea usually lasts a trimester and may be more frequent where as I am only constantly nausaus for a couple weekends a month. But my nauseau is around for 6 months.
2. Trouble sleeping - Pregnant ladies can't get comfortable later in the baby-baking process. I have problems sleeping after chemo. For example I passed out around 10pm last night but then woke up at 11:30, 1:20 (popped another AN pill) and was up until after 2. Hubby's alarm went off at 5, and I was up until nearly 6:30. Woke up at 7:45 and popped another pill. My mind races for some reason and I can't sleep. That's how I thought of this blog topic and several to follow. Be prepared for some creative genius.
3. Constipation - i'm not sure why this happens to expecting ladies but it happens to me! I think I've combatted it with a healthy dose of Miralax each night. Which brings me to...
4. Hemroids and tears, oh my! Women in the family way get these from pushing out that baby-shaped watermelon. I get them from trying to go to the bathroom after not going for 3 days to the extreme of going too much. I don't have hemorids but doc things I got a tear. So now I get to put medicine in my butt to heal it. Joy. Isn't having cancer glamorous?
5. People do things for you because of your condition - Pregnant laides have big bellies; I have scars and a bald head. That's how you know we are the way we are. I get cut some (needed) slack for not being able to stand very long or not going camping with Jonathan's friends because I can't be in the sun, in skeezy lake water and Don't want to haul around 4 different medicines with me. But I will only be able to us this excuse this summer...then I'll have to go back to my "I need indoor plumbing" excuse.
6. Going to the doctor a lot - Preggos go a lot, especially toward the end. But I trump them! I see my doc every other week for 6 months, maybe longer depending on what I do after treatment.
7. Strange cravings - Who knows why, but ladies with babies in them want pickles, ice cream, and other things. I have had a strange craving for nacho cheese a lot. Not when I'm nauseaus, but nearly every other time. It sounds so delicious!
8.New life - women have their babies, and I have a new life once this is all over. Cancer free and moving on. Perhaps I'll have a baby and be able to see how true this list is in the future. WAY in the future. :P
So there you have it.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Woooaaaah, we're half way there...

Tomorrow is the halfway point friends! No. 6 of 12, hooray! I am looking forward to it but yet dreading the craptastic way I'm going to feel for a while afterward. It's a lot of a mental game.
I had the quickest blood draw today! I made a 4 p.m. appointment and I was taken by 4:05. THAT NEVER HAPPENS. I was out by 4:15. I usually have to sit for 30 minutes. One time I didn't get out until 5 p.m. I'm at the mercy of the PICC team to draw my blood out of my port.
I'll keep you posted on my thoughts and feelings. ;P

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

No rain, no rainbow

I saw that phrase on a bumper sticker in my parking lot today. It really made me think about my situation. After I'm through with all this cancer crap, those rainbows are going to look so much better. I wonder why sometimes it pours more on some people than others. I just want the rain to move out quickly!

Had a stomach ache for most of the day. boo. Normally I'm fine by now. My last stomach ache was after I had pizza I had pizza for lunch. Coincidence, maybe. It definitely makes it hard to concentrate and want to do stuff when I feel bad. At least work kept me busy most of the day. Feeling a little better now.

Got a doc appointment Thursday morning for the painful poo issue. OK, here's what i find funny. I have no shame in typing for the whole world to see forever that it hurts for me to poop and I may have hemoroids. Pre cancer Jennifer would NEVER do that. Cancer Jennifer does. Why? I think I have a disconnect from my symptoms and side effects from what is me. Stuff that is caused by cancer seems foreign and like it's the cancer, not me that is having the problems.

I forgot to mention earlier that the hubby was sick this weekend, which worried both of us. He went to immediate care Saturday morning to try to nip it in the bud. He had a sore throat, cough and slight fever. Normally, not a big deal, but right now I cannot get sick. I don't want to put off chemo or have to be hospitalized becuase my body can't fight an illness. So, if you know you are sick and i'll be around, stay away from me. :P

Monday, July 5, 2010

Gardening in 90 degree weather is not a good idea

Nor is attempting to break up a tree root. For the first time since I've been diagnosed, I've done hard, physical labor. In humidity and heat. Probably not my smartest move, but I felt good. At least, until the end of planting. My chest started hurting BAD.
I have a radius of pain - goes around my chest to my mid back. at first it felt like I had a huge air bubble that just needed to come out. Now it's mostly in my back that it hurts.
I immediately thought bad things because my particular chemo can cause heart and lung issues. If i get too much of one drug, it can really mess with my lungs. So, of course I start thinking the worst. Now that a few hours have passed, I think i just pulled muscles, am incredibly out of shape, and the chemo is just a minor part.
I did get that tree root broken up though. :)

Another issue I'm having is pain when going no. 2. :( Based on WebMD, I'm pretty sure it's hemroids or a fissure.Ugh. Both very common and treatable, but still, it's just one more thing to add to it. I'm not sure how I would have gotten this - if it's a delayed reaction from the first two chemo treatments when I was constipated, or if it's because i've just been so irregular. going too much can also cause problems. I can't win! I may have to sneak in a trip to el doctor before chemo thursday.

In a non cancer note, we got our backyard and front yard looking very nice. I moved our wicker chairs to the front porch because our back yard has a dinning set and a brand new two-person chaise lounge! AWESOME. But we don' have a big porch, so it's looking cluttered. Our new flowers look pretty and it's just a nice place to go and relax. It's much cooler because of the trees.

The evil trees. We are going to have to take at least one down because it hates us. TWICE a branch has broken and fallen and landed on our roof and our neighbors'. (In case you don't know, our houses are very close together). Twice we've had to get the branch down, which is not easy. If you have a good, reputable tree service you can recommend, let me know!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

tummy troubles

I felt pretty good Monday and Tuesday. I didn't want to acknowledged it for fear of jinxing myself. Yesterday and today, felt worse, but still functioning. I'm having those weird stomach pains, especially after I eat. I've noticed I've been going to the bathroom alot. Ugh, chemo plus all the drugs really mess me up. I fear sometimes I may have a bladder infection. I know the monitor my kidneys because you filter out chemo through them.
the hubby hurt his back recently so hopefully his visits to the doctor will heal him! We are such a broken family. :P