Monday, July 5, 2010

Gardening in 90 degree weather is not a good idea

Nor is attempting to break up a tree root. For the first time since I've been diagnosed, I've done hard, physical labor. In humidity and heat. Probably not my smartest move, but I felt good. At least, until the end of planting. My chest started hurting BAD.
I have a radius of pain - goes around my chest to my mid back. at first it felt like I had a huge air bubble that just needed to come out. Now it's mostly in my back that it hurts.
I immediately thought bad things because my particular chemo can cause heart and lung issues. If i get too much of one drug, it can really mess with my lungs. So, of course I start thinking the worst. Now that a few hours have passed, I think i just pulled muscles, am incredibly out of shape, and the chemo is just a minor part.
I did get that tree root broken up though. :)

Another issue I'm having is pain when going no. 2. :( Based on WebMD, I'm pretty sure it's hemroids or a fissure.Ugh. Both very common and treatable, but still, it's just one more thing to add to it. I'm not sure how I would have gotten this - if it's a delayed reaction from the first two chemo treatments when I was constipated, or if it's because i've just been so irregular. going too much can also cause problems. I can't win! I may have to sneak in a trip to el doctor before chemo thursday.

In a non cancer note, we got our backyard and front yard looking very nice. I moved our wicker chairs to the front porch because our back yard has a dinning set and a brand new two-person chaise lounge! AWESOME. But we don' have a big porch, so it's looking cluttered. Our new flowers look pretty and it's just a nice place to go and relax. It's much cooler because of the trees.

The evil trees. We are going to have to take at least one down because it hates us. TWICE a branch has broken and fallen and landed on our roof and our neighbors'. (In case you don't know, our houses are very close together). Twice we've had to get the branch down, which is not easy. If you have a good, reputable tree service you can recommend, let me know!

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