Friday, July 9, 2010

Why going through chemo is like being pregant

Disclaimer. I've never been pregnant and make the following comparisons based on stories moms have told me and books, tv, and movies.

1. Nauseau- Pregnant ladies' nausea usually lasts a trimester and may be more frequent where as I am only constantly nausaus for a couple weekends a month. But my nauseau is around for 6 months.
2. Trouble sleeping - Pregnant ladies can't get comfortable later in the baby-baking process. I have problems sleeping after chemo. For example I passed out around 10pm last night but then woke up at 11:30, 1:20 (popped another AN pill) and was up until after 2. Hubby's alarm went off at 5, and I was up until nearly 6:30. Woke up at 7:45 and popped another pill. My mind races for some reason and I can't sleep. That's how I thought of this blog topic and several to follow. Be prepared for some creative genius.
3. Constipation - i'm not sure why this happens to expecting ladies but it happens to me! I think I've combatted it with a healthy dose of Miralax each night. Which brings me to...
4. Hemroids and tears, oh my! Women in the family way get these from pushing out that baby-shaped watermelon. I get them from trying to go to the bathroom after not going for 3 days to the extreme of going too much. I don't have hemorids but doc things I got a tear. So now I get to put medicine in my butt to heal it. Joy. Isn't having cancer glamorous?
5. People do things for you because of your condition - Pregnant laides have big bellies; I have scars and a bald head. That's how you know we are the way we are. I get cut some (needed) slack for not being able to stand very long or not going camping with Jonathan's friends because I can't be in the sun, in skeezy lake water and Don't want to haul around 4 different medicines with me. But I will only be able to us this excuse this summer...then I'll have to go back to my "I need indoor plumbing" excuse.
6. Going to the doctor a lot - Preggos go a lot, especially toward the end. But I trump them! I see my doc every other week for 6 months, maybe longer depending on what I do after treatment.
7. Strange cravings - Who knows why, but ladies with babies in them want pickles, ice cream, and other things. I have had a strange craving for nacho cheese a lot. Not when I'm nauseaus, but nearly every other time. It sounds so delicious!
8.New life - women have their babies, and I have a new life once this is all over. Cancer free and moving on. Perhaps I'll have a baby and be able to see how true this list is in the future. WAY in the future. :P
So there you have it.

1 comment:

  1. Indoor plumbing is what separates us from the animals. There is no shame in insisting on it.

    And way to go on being halfway to YOUR new life :)

    Katie JB
