Sunday, May 16, 2010

I may need to try just popping the antacid pills right after eating. it seemed to work pretty well last night. Granted, I didn't feel "normal" at any point, but at least I wasn't every in too much pain or discomfort.

It's strange how OK I typically feel in the morning. Again, I'm not sure if i ever feel absolutely "normal", but at least in the morning before I eat I tend to feel my best all day. it's strange how eating makes my stomach hurt. It makes me afraid to eat, which pre-cancer Jenn would be like, what? food is so good! Now, food has become the enemy. I eat, but just not as much as before. I also need to do better about avoiding foods that could upset the tummy. that may mean bye bye most fast food and other junk food. Sigh. I wanted to make cookies last night, because they sounded good, but I was feeling OK and didn't want to risk feeling like crap. I also didn't want to eat before going to bed.

I'm going to call the doc Monday morning, just to find out if I have any other options. there has to be better medicine to control this stomach acid issue. If not, it's going to be a long 6 months or so.

I've also had a slight sore throat, but only on the right side of my throat. Nothing horrible, but something to keep an eye on.

I tried staying up last night to watch SNL, but woke up at 11:46 p.m. and realized I'd rather sleep, so I missed it. I haven't stayed up past midnight in a long time now. Lame, yes, but excusable.

The hair is falling out at a good clip. I'm going to take a picture of my pillow to show you. Look for that in a future post.

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