Friday, May 14, 2010

The chemo is winning! Ugh. stupid indigestion

I think in the second round of chemo, cancer won. Well, more like chemo won. It has beaten me down this time. This stomach acid/indigestion/whatever the crap it is I'm dealing with is very annoying and disconcerting. My doc suggested taking Maalox too. I don't think my prescription is working. May be time to try something else. I'll have to stick it out this weekend and then I'll call Monday morning.
Seriously, if it wasn't for this, I'd feel great. It SUCKS. It makes it difficult to plan things, to go out, to work.

I actually felt pretty good this morning until I had lunch at 12:30...countdown to feeling bad. By 1:30 p.m., I was a hot mess. Took some more Maalox and made it until 5:30 p.m. at work. Ate some chick-fil-A (yes, maybe a bad decision) and guess who feels like crap again? me! but it doesn't matter WHAT i eat. I feel the pain, so might as well eat something I enjoy, no?

It's definitely affecting my food and drink intake. I know I'm not drinking enough. Blah. Blah. Blah.

I'm also contemplating shaving my head. My hair is coming out at a pretty good clip now. No clumps but lots and lots of stray hairs. The shower was kind of traumatic this morning. I held out washing my hair all week. This shower was worse than Monday's and worse than last Saturdays. this tells me that I can hold out for a while longer and prolong the inevitable, or i take matters into my own hands and just shave it off.

Seriously, one of my hairs fell into my milkshake today! I'm shedding everywhere. It's kind of embarrassing. So, will i be more embarrassed being bald or sheddy mcgee? It's also kind of depressing to see your hair fall out. My hair is pretty thick, so you really can't tell that much has fallen out. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. And if you know me, i HATE stray hairs. I think they are so gross, when you find them in a sink, in the shower, etc. GROSS.

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