Saturday, June 26, 2010

Same old, same old

couple days after chemo. Fighting off nausea. I've just been in and out of queasiness. Sucks. I know i've said this about a million times, but it is such a chore to take my anti nausea meds after a while. struggling with that. I hope after tonight or early tomorrow I won't have to take anymore.
Have had a slight fever today 99.1. If I get to 100 I am supposed to call el doctor. If I still have a fever tomorrow i probably won't be able to go out. I have to be uber cautious.

On a side note, today's the 3rd anniversary of my husband and my first date. Tomorrow is our 1 year wedding anniversary. My warranty expires tomorrow. He hasn't traded me in yet, so that's good.
It's funny, last year at this time, my biggest stress was the fact our church wasn't done and we had to get married in the reception hall. Now I'm fighting cancer. puts it all in perspective right?

1 comment:

  1. Boo nausea and fever, but yay date and wedding anniversaries! Hard to believe that a little over 3 years ago we were sitting on the beach talking about this guy Erik was setting you up with and wondering what that would be like... congratulations though, you two turned out perfect! :) The wedding turned out to be wonderful in the hall, and you'll stay fabulous as you beat cancer too.(Hopefully the fever is just from the meds you mentioned and won't spike, but if anything comes up call me anytime, especially if you need anything during the day when Jonathan is at work.)
