Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Inspiration turns to panic

I recently read stories on the Leukemia and Lymphoma's web site. Some said, "I had Hodgkin's lymphoma 10 years ago and I've been cancer free ever since!" Others said "I was diagnosed in 2005, beat it, and then my cancer came back 4 years later." :( I've spent so much time focusing on today that I don't want to think about not beating this the first time.
Statistics don't always mean everything, but based on my stage, I have a 65%ish chance to beat this in 5 years. Gah. Not as good as the 90 percent if you are stage 1. Smartly, I stopped reading them because I didn't want to have a panic attack. I'm not trying to be ignorant or stupid but I think for my health and recovery, I just have to think about today.
I'm glad the US won in soccer today because now I'll have something to watch Saturday while I'm lying on the couch trying not to hurl. Hooray! :P And, if everything goes right, I'll be on treatment 5. almost half way done!!! As much as this sucks, again, I have to realize that I could have had it worse now in so many ways - I could have had to have bone marrow transpants or stems cell transpants, I could be sick more often and worse, and I could not have a great support system.


  1. We came to the same conclusion early on, not to read online stories. Those might be helpful for some people, but we really needed not to dwell too much on the "what ifs." For the same reason, we haven't really sought out support groups either, although I know other people have found them helpful. It's just too much ...

  2. Hugs! Sorry, I don't have any wisdom (that happens when one is not wise) but I just wanted to remind you we're thinking of you and praying for you. I don't think there's really a wrong answer in how to handle this and I think you are doing a fabulous job (which makes sense, since you are fabulous.
