Sunday, June 13, 2010

It's 8 p.m. Sunday night and I had to take an anti-nausea pill. that never happens. I've definitely been struggling with nausea all weekend. Makes it very hard to eat or drink, and again, the problem with my AN pill is i associate it with nausea and taking it makes me nausea. the taste bothers me. I may need an alternative. ugh.
Cried pretty hard a little bit ago, but I do feel better now. The husband was here to love on me. Only 8 more times right?


  1. I wonder if your MD will give you IV form anti-nausea medication? I could administer it to ya, if I can access your port.

  2. You are an incredibly brave person to be facing this with the tenacity and courage that you have been. And to be chronicling your struggles not just for yourself but for the world to see is something that most people would not have the ability to do in the factual yet eloquent way that you pull off so well.

    Good luck to you in your continued fight. I have no doubt that you're going to kick cancer's ass with the ferocity of a hungry bear.
