Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Random bits

I realize I've neglected the blog, partly out of being busy, partly out of laziness. I apologize, especially to those of you who use this blog as a way to waste some time at work.

Here's an update on my life in the last week or so:

- The hubby and I went up to Chicago last weekend. It's probably the only vacation I'll get, although it was just a weekend trip. We were supposed to go to NYC for a wedding and then I was going to Las Vegas for fun, but cancer but the kabosh on those. I had a good time visiting with a college friend, and I surpised myself with how much walking I did. But the heat and crowds of Navy Pier got to me. I guess tall ships really bring the people in. And I hate crowds. I hate being hot, so we got out of Navy Pier pretty quickly. Interestingly enough, I noticed two othe cancer patients there. You know, we kind of stick out. Not too many women wear hats that are bald underneath or wear scarves on their heads (well, except pirates or bikers). I found that interesting because out and about in Indy or everywhere else in Chicago, I didn't spot any other fellow cancer patients, at least those who've lost hair.

-i did my part to spend money at GAP stores last weekend so that 5% of my shopping went to the LLS. I hope you took advantage of the discount and spent a lot too! :)

- Battling a little set back right now. It may be minor, it could be medium; I'll find out tomorrow. Let me set the stage. Tuesday was a very busy day for me. I was non stop doing webby things until about 5 p.m. I barely had time to eat. After work, I walked across the street to the mall and it hit me. I felt like crap. I almost started to cry in the dressing room, but didn't want to cause a scene. I noticed I was short of breath and when I would breathe in deeply, I'd cough. Of course, me being paranoid thought PNEUMONIA!! Even though I take a medicine that's supposed to help prevent that. I also worried that maybe some lymphnodes managed to grow supersize in a week since my CT scan. I powered through and made it home.

When I got home, I had a slight fever 99.2. my normal temp is 97.9ish, so this was a little high. I have to worry if I get into the 100s. As the night went on, the temp kept going up and I started to get nauseous. Wait, i thought this was only supposed to happen AFTER chemo, not before. So, around 7 I call Dr. Shorty's office. She gets back to me and wants me to get a blood draw. That night. When all the labs are closed. After some finagaling, I go to St. Francis South and have my blood drawn. She was worried my white blood cell count may be low.

Turns out, it wasn't that low. (thanks, nulestra shot!) Dr. Shorty calls me before 7 a.m. this morning to say she wants me to get a chest xray. I got that and I'll find out the results tomorrow. Dr Shorty didn't seem too optimistic in me having chemo tomorrow. I am going in for my normal chemo appointment and I guess I'll find out after she sees me.

Of course, I don't want to have chemo because, well, IT SUCKS. But, I want to get it over with, so I want to have it. I'm leaning toward hoping I have it. I'm feeling much better today, but drained. I've started an anti-biotic (boo) and struggling to take that. You, the reader, are quite familiar with my big pill troubles. And this is a big pill. I got a pill cutter to try to take it. Helps, but I still struggle because it starts to dissolve when it gets in my mouth and antibiotics are nasty. It's going to be a long 10 days. Crushing is an option, but ugh. Here's what I love though. the pharamcist says, oh crush it and put it in yogurt. it will help with your digestion issues. I get home and look at the pill bottle - says do not take with milk or yogurt. Talk about mixed signals.

That's a recap of where I'm at. I'll try to be better about keeping up. Hopefully my next post will be about how miserable i am because I got chemo.

And don't forget, there's still time to donate to our Light the Night team!!

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