Friday, September 3, 2010

today's post is brought to you by the letters C H E M and O, and the number 10

Number 10 is in the books! Now I just have to make my way through it. The nausea hasn't been as bad, so I'm hoping it will stay that way!! I finally got out of my pajamas (yes, it's 3:15 p.m.)

Met with doctor yesterday and she decided I could have chemo. She was concerned that my WBC count is high - 20,000. Normal is 4-7,000 I believe she said (or maybe it was 7-11,000) Anyway, as a result, the good news is...NO MORE NULESTA SHOT! that means I don't have to drag my bad feeling butt out of the house on Fridays anymore. I guess it's overstimulating my WBC.

But, there is a downside. I have to have a shot several times a week now starting Tuesday. this shot gives a shorter amount of stimulation to my WBC, so we can better control it. I can either go into the office to get the shot or give it to myself. JOY. Jonathan is going to come the first time to see how to do it so he can give it me too. Hopefully I will only need it 4 days between each round, but the doc said it could be 4-10 days. Icky.

Only 2 more times!!!!

1 comment:

  1. If it's a subcutaneous shot, I can give it to you. I'm really good at 'em.
