Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventures in support groups

I went to my first support group yesterday at the wellness center on the Northwest side. I was warned by the LLS rep when I called to see if I could just show up that I would be one of the younger people there. I sure was, by like 30 years. This support group is specifically for blood cancers. Everyone was quite nice, but no one had HL and we seriously had conversations about MCL (the cafeteria, not the cancer) and splitting pills. Deep stuff.

I could tell these people all knew each other and cared about each other, and that was nice. I think i'm going to try the Anna's group next Thursday, which is for younger cancer patients in general, not specifically blood disorders. Hopefully no discussions of MCL will come up.

I did learn in my group that people with lymphoma (or is it just cancer...?) are at a higher risk for blood clots in life. Woohoo! this re-emphasizes my goal to start eating "cleaner" but frankly i've just been too lazy (and cheap) to do so. I really need to buck up and fork over the extra money for organic produce and non hormonified meat.

In other cancer-related news, I'm finally off my antibotic. I think it's actually done more harm than good. It has destroyed my digestive system to the point that I'm going to the bathroom several times a day and haven't had the need for Miralax since taking the drug. I hope I bounce back soon. I never thought I would pine for a solid poo, but I am. :)

I'll get blood work tomorrow and then Thursday it's chemo no. 11! Yippee! then I'll only have one more to go. Joy!

Is anyone else excited for Halloween? I'm looking at it as an opportunity for me to get cheap, crazy wigs!

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