Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm not bendy

I tried the Yoga last night. The same cancer center that has the blood cancers support group also offers gentle stretching yoga. I like to think of myself as somewhat athletic, but boy yoga can be tough. It doesn't help that i've never been a bendy person. Just sitting in the cross-legged position started to hurt for a while.

I was of course the youngest person in it, but I'd say there were people in their 40s there so that's good. And in talking to one woman, she told me that chemo breaks down your muscle, which also explains why I feel so lame and out of shape. She also recommended I read the Lance Armstrong book (she mentioned it alot) so I will have to go reserve it from the library.

Just a week to go until my last chemo treatment! If I hadn't had to miss a week because of low WBC, then tomorrow would actually be the last, but oh well.

1 comment:

  1. congrats on 1 week to go. what a happy and scary countdown to have at the same time. i applaud you for being so strong and brave.
