Thursday, January 6, 2011

Hello! Just a quick update for those who still check this. I'm doing well and feeling good. I have been going to the gym and trying to get back my endurance. Nothing like some time on the treadmill! We've been so busy with the house and it's so close to being finished. It's very exciting to have a bedroom upstairs with a closet! (too bad all my clothes won't fit...:P) And I turned 30. joy. :)

I'm a little behind the times on this, but I just saw today that Deanna Dewberry from Channel 8 news just discovered she has breast cancer. She's being pretty public with her battle and even has a revealing and interesting blog. I read it at work and it got me a little teary, bringing me back to my experience. Turns out she's had cancer three times now! the first time was Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma, then a type of luekemia, and now breast cancer. I must admit it made me sad on a lot of levels,the most selfish one being that I feared it could happen to me. I've read that there may be a connection between chemo for HL later causing leukemia. I hope and pray that doesn't happen to me.

I told the husband I've noticed I've been thinking about cancer and such a lot more lately in the last few days. Can't explain why,but I'm trying to stay positive and have no reason to worry right now!

1 comment:

  1. I know it is hard not to worry about things, but enjoy being happy and healthy, you're doing great and I'm sure that will continue! In the meantime, maybe you can continue to channel the thinking of cancer into positive things such as more walks/runs for various types so you continue to support the search for a cure and keep your fitness level up at the same time.
